Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is there a party for people who wont toe the party line?

Far to often in our society we have people simply toeing a political party line. No thought process is involved and they simply accept what "the majority" in the party decides. Its great to have a group of people you can work with to further common goals. But what happens when not all the goals line up? Should you not still be able to work with those people on other things and simply agree to differ on the one or two items?

A local politician recently admitted he did not agree with the party line on a certain item, however he did vote with the party simply for the greater good of what he can do with a party backing him on other issues. He will survive simply because there is no way the party can benefit from going after him.

But..what if there was a no party, party? Could it work?  Would it do more to benefit our Province or Country if it was governed by people who were perfectly free to vote on the issue as they and their voters saw fit instead of voting how some Party Ruling Elite decided they should vote? Looking at our civic governments can successfully be run without parties being involved I think our Province and our Country can benefit from this as well.

Come the next election will you simply vote for someone who sorta kinda shares your views because they belong to a political party? Or will you vote for your ideas, your views and your morality?

Next election I am voting for the No Party Elite. I am voting NoPE.


  1. I applaud your efforts. Federally I'm tempted to vote none of the above just to prevent them from getting the vote subsidy. Unfortunately someone has to form government... and we have the party system... you can always run as an independent I suppose... basiscally I'm saying what you suggest isn't likely to ever happen...

  2. I look forward to reading your blog posts.
